Preparing to Travel

A travel case sits on the desk across the study from me, filled with clean clothes ahead of another week in Germany. I've decided to hedge my bets about the weather in Frankfurt over the coming week – packing summer rather than autumn clothes. If I get it wrong a late night shopping trip may be needed.

Although the flight will only take a little over an hour, once you factor in getting to the airport, getting through check-in, security, then through immigration, baggage, a train to the city, and a walk to the hotel, the better part of seven hours will have passed.

I'm hoping to explore the city a little more during this visit – although that is almost entirely dependent on the workload thrown at me. I'm never quite sure what I will face when I arrive on-site – all-day meetings, code writing sprints, or accusations and recriminations. I'm also aware that we're heading into Autumn, and the nights are drawing in – it will be dark by the time I head out for dinner on an evening.

Anyway. I expect the next post will come from a hotel room in Frankfurt – telling the story of the weirdo I sat next to on the plane. I wonder if they'll be writing a blog post about me? 'Sat next to this guy that seemed so relaxed about the whole flying thing – wondered how does this'.

Time to go brush my teeth and head to bed.