Pulling out of NaNoWriMo Yet Again

You could say I was a fool for even thinking about having a go at it. At least the reasons for not pursuing it are simple enough thoughI need to spend the time I would have spent writing with my family, rather than holed up in the study bashing away at a keyboard.

Writing this blog is enough for me.

My “book” (if you can call it that) was a memoir of sortsa history of my involvement with computers from about 8 years old onwards. While interesting enough for me to write, I doubt many others would have found it that interesting, but that wasn't the point of writing it really anywayit was just me taking on one more thingas per usualwith no real thought about the time or effort required to do it.

I need to spend time with my family at the moment. Whenever I am absent for any length of time, the wheels slowly come offas evidenced this past week. Writing a 500 word blog post late on an evening is doablewriting 1600 words every night for a month really isn't doable for me at the moment.

Maybe when the kids have all grown up I might have another go. Or maybe when my other half hasn't knocked herself uncoscious, my eldest daughter hasn't ended up in the doctors twice in a week, and I haven't been posted to the far end of the country to work on some far-flung client site.

It's a weird feelingknowing I could have done it easilybut choosing not to.