Rain, Rain, and more Rain
The heavens opened on me during my cycle to work this morning. Despite wearing waterproof over-trousers, and a supposedly waterproof top, I got soaked through to my underwear. I've been sitting in it all day, feeling pretty wonderful about myself (sarcasm fully intended). I imagine a second soaking session will happen a little later when I return home.
Maybe the rain is because I don't believe in anything up there pulling the strings – a kind of “ok, if we don't exist, lets give you one cold and cough after another for a month, then start pelting you with rain – to see if we can break you”.
It won't work of course. I'm far too stubborn. A bit like the Republican senators who know damn well their boss absolutely did everything he's being accused of, but are not about to drop the party line now. They know how ridiculous their arguments have become. They're not stupid.
Just like I'm not stupid. Short of a giant Monty Python hand coming from the sky firing lightning bolts at me, I'm not about to start believing in any sort of creator figure. That said, the Greek and Roman gods are quite appealing – they got it on with each other, betrayed each other, loved each other, hated each other – they were quite interesting.
I wonder. If there is a sliding scale – from good, through bad, to “I've made a terrible mistake”, “I'm an idiot”, and so on – what's at the far end of that scale? I can't help feeling the entire world is on an exploratory mission at the moment – to find the true meaning and boundaries of “stupid”.
Anyway. Enough. I'm waiting for some code to run. Most of my blog posts recently have happened while waiting for code to run.