Rainy Days Off

It’s just after lunch. I think it’s Wednesday – it’s hard to tell – the days are running into one another. I wonder how retired people keep track of the day of the week? Is that why they read the newspaper and watch the news? The rain has abated outside for a little while, but it’s still cold and miserable – like a grey blanket has been pulled over the world.

I keep being distracted by a Spotify playlist – the soundtrack from Les Miserables. “On My Own” is playing. I remember the first time I really watched Les Miserables properly – from end to end. I was lying on a hotel bed, hundreds of miles from home with work, in the early hours of the morning. I was stressing out about the project I was working on at the time, and couldn’t sleep – so picked a movie almost at random, and bought some chocolate and wine from the nearby 24 hour convenience store. I wish movies came with “will tear you to pieces from the inside out” warnings printed on them.

Music is powerful. It attaches itself to memories – people, places, emotions, experiences – it’s hard-wired into us at a an incredibly low level. Have you ever noticed how your brain records the order of tracks on favourite albums too? It becomes jarring when you hear a track as part of a playlist, and it is not preceded or followed as you might anticipate.

For the past few evenings I have crossed paths with a distant friend on the internet, sharing stories of the music that helped shape who we are – telling the story of where we came from, and perhaps where we are heading towards. It’s been a wonderful escape from the cold, the rain, and the drab world outside the window.

Looking outside now, the sun looks like it might be making something of a fightback – brightening the overcast sky somewhat. Of course I have seen the forecast for tomorrow – thunder, lightning, cats, dogs, kitchen sinks – almost like the universe is passing judgement on my snap decision to take a few days off work.

Maybe the world is giving me a gentle dig in the ribs – encouraging me to stay in the warm, listen to music, talk to friends, and remind myself that life isn’t just about getting things done.