Random Five for Friday
It's been a while since I did a “random thought” post, so this seems like as good a chance as any.
I've been tinkering with the blog design todayswitching to serif, and adjusting line spacing all over the place to make it more readable. I experimented with adding photos to the posts, but don't like the way Blogger handles photos, so will likely never bother with them. In truth, I never set out to have any photos in this blog anyway; it's supposed to be about the writing.
Throughout most of January and February, I'm going to be travelling all over the place with workeither commuting into the city, or staying in far flung hotels. I need to get better in a hurry (I've been sick for the last few days), otherwise the travelling is going to be pretty miserable. I'm looking forward to reading while awayI hardly ever get the chance to read any more.
I'm not entirely sure where today has gone. It's already mid-afternoon, and it feels like I only got up a little while ago. Even though I feel awful, I was still the first up, fed the cats, fed the chickens, washed up, cleaned the kitchen, and hid in the study before my other half appeared. I need to find a good movie to watch while the kids are out (the chances of me doing that are minimal at bestI always end up reading random junk on the internet).
I can't risk falling asleep because our youngest is at a friend's house across the way. The next time he comes to call for our children, I need to have words with him about looking through other people's letter boxes (in the UK it is common to have letter boxes in the middle of the front door).
I can't think of a fifth random thing to share, which kind of tops out the most forgettable blog post in the history of this blog, doesn't it. I guess I could talk about podcastsrather than finish this post, through some unknown series of clicks, I just found myself clicking on a podcast. Maybe I'll spend the afternoon looking at podcastsI need to anyway, because I've been seriously going off the TWiT podcasts. Maybe I'll post about it later.