Ranking Bloggers at LiveJournal

For the past few months I've been playing with LiveJournal – cross posting stuff into it, and doing my best to read and comment on a few other people's stuff. I walked away once, and then wandered back again a few weeks later.

Here's the thing – on your profile page at LiveJournal, you can see your “ranking” versus everybody else in the system. The formula is not public, but it's obviously to do with interaction, with your content, and your interaction with other's content.

During my first stay, I posted regularly for a few weeks, and vaulted myself from relative obscurity – placing in the thousands – up into the top 100 bloggers on the site. Then I did what I always do once I figure something out – I got bored and wondered off to play with a new toy.

A few weeks ago I returned, and in my absence I had dropped to about 800th place. After posting regularly for a few weeks, and making the effort to comment and reply, I have climbed back up to 180th place worldwide.

I have no idea why I've bothered. The very fact that I can be anywhere near the top few hundred with the poor content I post really pulls the curtains back on the whole thing. LiveJournal is a ghost-town.

Does anybody remember “Tumblarity” ? For a while Tumblr had a similar system, and it caused mayhem – with people posting any old crap, and liking each other's stuff like automatons in pursuit of higher numbers.

Anyway I'm waffling on about nothing in particular again. Somebody distract me with something interesting.