I'm not sure if anybody noticed (I know at least one person did), but I closed this blog down for about a weekset it to private, and wandered away. I had all the intentions in the world of wandering off towards Tumblr, and consigning this place to the virtual scrapheap. I'm not sure why. Too many places probably. I'm not sure why I came back either. Actually, that's a lie. I came back because I got sucked into reading some of my old posts, and realised I missed emptying my head.
Tumblr is a rubbish place to empty your head, because the shelf life of a post is about 15 seconds. WordPress seems more permanent somehow. More like a curated archive, rather than a stream being pissed up the wall. Oooo swearing. This is new.
Seriously though, I always end up coming back to WordPress. Always. It's like it has some kind of gravity fieldtheJupiter of the blogosphere (I hate that word, but cannot be bothered to think of anything better), that catches all the stray asteroids floating pastand no matter how hard you try to leave, it always ends up sucking you back in.