Reflections on the City
It's funny how you set out on a journey with all sorts of plans, and then realise after a little while that those plans have somehow been torn up, burned, and stomped into the floor by an imaginary herd of pyromaniac wildebeasts.
Coming home this evening didn't so much feel like crossing a finish line, as leaving the starting blocks. This week has been ever so slightly manicso much so that I have not had a chance wander out during the day and explore at all yet (expect photos when I do). Each day has been a crazy half-stagger, half-sprint to throw code together, and see if it stands up when we wake our hands away.
Perhaps a record of memorable moments in the shape of some bullet points would be the thing to do; While wandering towards the office this morning I passed a well dressed man randomly blowing raspberrys. City workers never cease to amaze me in their sheep-like compulsion to copy each other's clothes and haircuts. Dress down Friday appears to mean “wear brand new clothes” Friday for many people. Those pull-along suitcases on wheels still annoy the hell out of me. People who stop walking in the middle of a crowd for no apparent reason also annoy the hell out of me.