
I'm back at work today. Back for the first time since leaving abruptly on Monday afternoon. It's been an interesting weekthe kind that the parenting instruction book doesn't have a chapter for (what's he talking about, “parenting instruction book” ?). Suffice to say we have at least one wheel back on our wagon today, and things are looking a little better. Apologies if I'm sounding very cryptic.

Reverting back to “normal” this morning has been quite the change. Instead of sitting by the phone, and writing all manner of notes while talking to all manner of people I'll probably never meet, I'm now sitting at my desk on a Friday morning, wondering what to get on with. Once you're absent for a few days, work gets diverted away from you. I'm at a loose end, and it feels strange.

I'm still on a hair trigger with my mobile phonechecking all notifications the moment they arrive. I made a coffee for myself and a co-worker earlier, and while standing in the kitchen heard my phone start ringing in my office. You've never seen me move so fast (actually, very few of you have ever seen me anyway, and probably never will, so I guess that's a ridiculous thing to say, but still).

So. Sitting at my desk. Nothing to report. I'm wondering about getting late permission to book some time off next weekmost of the week if I can. The managers and directors have been informed all week about the situation at home, and have been great. I'm hoping they will understand my late request.