I re-installed Tumblr on my mobile phone last night. I’m still not sure if it was a wise thing to do or not, or if I will use it much. After deactivating my account a few weeks ago I didn’t really miss the platform as a whole – but I did miss a few of the people I only knew through the platform, if that makes any sense. I guess we’ll see how it goes. Every instinct tells me I will deactivate it entirely within a few days.
In other news, I have spent the entire weekend washing and drying clothes. Alongside that, I replaced the hard-drive in our eldest’s computer this morning and re-installed it for her. I left her in charge of running Windows Updates – we’ll so how that goes (probably really badly).
I wonder if anybody would notice if I sneak off to the corner shop to buy some chocolate?
p.s. I already uninstalled Tumblr