Reticulating Splines

In case you were banging your head against the desk, trying to recall where you saw the title of this post, let me put you out of your misery – it's from “Sim City”. While the computer was busy loading the game, it would flash up various status messages about what it was doing – none of them made any sense at all, but they sounded tremendously clever.

I guess that's what I've felt like recently – from the outside I probably appear tremendously clever, but in reality I have no idea what I'm doing any more, and would struggle to tell people what I do if asked. I can almost imagine an interview;

“So what is it that you do?”

“Oh, well... umm.... I write software, I guess, and web stuff, and I connect things that didn't used to be connected, and I make things work better sometimes, and I make things do things they didn't do before... and sometimes I make things look pretty”


I can almost imagine slipping into Milton mode at the end (have you seen “Office Space” ?), and mumbling something about burning the office down if I don't get a piece of birthday cake.

Anyway. It's Monday, and that's all I have to say about that.