Reticulating Splines
If you're wondering what on earth this post is all about, join the clubI don't have a clue either. The title is a reference to the loading screen of Sim City, where it would throw up various intelligent sounding status messages, which in reality meant nothing at all. Not really knowing why is kind of the guiding principle behind my blogging really, so it seems apt.
I haven't written consistently about life, the universe, or everything, for quite some time now. “Blogging” changed for me somewhere along the linewhere I used to openly share the story of my day, I now question the worth of it all, but I never entirely walk away.
I have bounced around between WordPress, Tumblr, LiveJournal, and Posthaven over the last year or so. For a time I considered kicking the entire “personal blog” into touch, and just concentrating on the professional/techie/geeky/nerdy stuff. In the end I missed the rag-tag community of people I had crossed paths with, and quietly returned to the fold.
So yeah I have no idea why I write any more, no idea if I will continue writing, and no idea if I will settle on a particular place. I got told off by a few different people on LiveJournal for being such a flakefor throwing myself into it's pseudo secret world for a few weeks, only to up-sticks and walk a little while later.
The crazy thing is that I've been writing online in some way, shape or form for the better part of 10 years now. The even crazier thing is that I have most of the posts hereif you delve into the archived dates of this blog, it stretches back to the pre-history of “blogging” as we know it.
I guess I'm kind of a Balrog in blogging termsa blogger of the old worldonly with less fire, less dramatic entrances, and no tail to drag Gandalf over a precipice.