
I seem to be going backwards at the moment. While most people probably write blog posts on mobile devices, to social platforms such as Tumblr, I've done something of a reversal recently. I'm writing this in a text editor on G3 iMac that dates from some time in the early 2000s. It's remarkable that it works at all really. The blog post will end up on Blogger – the forgotten platform owned by Google that's kind of delightful in it's antiquity.

I have been repeatedly and easily seduced by the various social blogging platforms on the internet over the years – I probably will be again – but for the moment this kind of works for me. Posting to perhaps the last “traditional” blogging platform is kind of an equivalent to a paper journal – only a paper journal where you tear each written page out, and pin it to the notice board in the hallway. Granted, it's a hallways that nobody walks along any more, but we'll ignore that.