Saying Hello to the Neighbours
Rather than follow today's instructions for the Blogging 101 course to the letter, I'm going to ramble on a bit about some of the people I have followed over the years – some of whom still write, and some who are no longer with us. As soon as I decided to take part in the 101 event, I tracked the 101 tag and started stalking following lots of fellow idiotsanyway.
I guess this becomes “introducing the neighbours to the new folks”. I can still remember the day we moved into our house, and knocked on the doors either side to introduce ourselves. The old lady that used to live next door was the classic deaf old lady, that shouted everything at you. She was wonderful, and forced us to sit in her parlor drinking tea and eating cake for an hour while she interrogated us, and told us all the gossip about the other neighbours.
Anyway! (I told you I was good at distracting myself).
Here are some of the blogs I dip into from time to time. People I have known on-and-off for years. They are all wonderful writers, wonderful story tellers, and wonderful people.
Advice From a Single Girl
Maybe I'm that girl you saw today, maybe I'm not. I'm planning on living happily ever after and maybe something I'll say will help you out and you'll live happily ever after too.
And, no, I don't really know what I'm talking about.
Courtiny Destiny
Seven years ago come March, 2015 I put my Upper West Side of Manhattan apartment on the market and set out on a journey to change my life...
Quarter Rest
The glasses are all half full of really interesting stuff. Information fan, listener, photographer, reiki master & woods wanderer, living near Vancouver, BC. Mom to one & wife to one. Owned by one cat. My distractions are in the details. Everything else is in the semantics.
This Mom'sWired
Sarah doesn't have any about blurb I can borrow, so I'm just going to flat out say – she's one of my favourite bloggers, and has been for years. The quality and variety of her written posts have always been an inspiration, and an aspiration for me. She has a fantastic Tumblr too.
Deanna Ogle
Midwest writer, heretical Christian, lover of humanity. Interests: religion, rum, culture, puns, and where they all intersect.
Prose and Constellations
I'm Emily, a twenty-something British expat currently living smack dab in the middle of Canada. I'm a giant sci-fi geek, word nerd andmusic fiend with a fierce passion for writing, great literature, psychology, British history, fun, and seeing the world.
It's worth noting that only oneof the aboveuses – they are spread far and wide across the internet, using all kinds of technologies and platforms to publish their writing. I follow them through Feedly rather than the Wordpress reader.
I guess it would be a little off if I didn't list out a fewof the amazing blogs I have discovered and started reading since beginning the Wordpress 101 course too – in no particular order;
Drink More Decaf
Random life stuffthat's all really
The Art of This n' That
For quite some time now I've had an ever present nagging voice within me that refuses to be silenced. The message it continues to speak to me is that I was created to do great things & to help many and that my current path isn't my final destination but instead has prepared me for the next level in my life. That next level is happening now.
Geek in the Girl
Welcome to the little corner of the interwebs where I'll be talking about the things that make me happy: movies, TV, books, games, and other equally geeky things. One girl and her curiosity, rambling online about whatever she can think of.
Isn't it funny how now matter how much time you think you have, something will expand to fill the void. I started writing this at the beginning of my lunchtime at work, thinking “I'll just post a few links, and then go check out what's been happening on the interwebs today” – and as I glance across at the corner of my screen now, the end of lunchtime is approaching...