Scrivener and Dropbox
Sunday has been remarkably quiet so far. The girls went to rugby practice first thing while I got on with chores around the house. They arrived home early this afternoon, accompanied by a car full of groceries. We have food again!
This afternoon I found myself at a loose end, so have spent much of it tidying up the junk room, updating the bullet journal, and finally sorting out the old computer. I feel kind of sorry for the old computer – it gets used and abused by everybody in the family – sitting down to write emails, print things out, look things up – and gets left switched on – sometimes for days on end.
While tidying the computer up, I re-visited the archives of my old blog posts, which have lived in an online repository for the last little while. I keep flip-flopping between storing them at GitHub, or DropBox. Today I moved everything over to Dropbox, and dusted off Scrivener once again. I won’t even begin to decide the reasoning behind the change. Let’s just say I had a bit of a silent temper tantrum with Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, and OneDrive, because none to of them do exactly what I want.
Scrivener is a writing application – kind of a nerd nirvana for writers. I’ve owned a copy for years – since one of my many failed attempts at NaNoWriMo.
Anyway – what are my plans for the rest of the afternoon ? Maybe to write a few emails, catch up with a few distant friends, and listen to music on Spotify. I looked in on Instagram this morning for the first time in a week – posted a photo or two, and remarked that I haven’t really missed it.
When I stepped away from social media at the start of the year, it was more out of necessity than anything – my other half needed a smart-phone far more than me, and I thought I could probably get by with a much simpler phone. At first I thought walking away from Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Facebook, and so on would be difficult – but it hasn’t been at all. I haven’t really thought about them. Sure, I’ve looked in once or twice to see how people are doing – particularly at Tumblr – but then thought “look at all this regurgitated junk people are posting”, or “why are you sharing this?”.
I guess when you’re in thick of the social bubble, you lose a bit of perspective. I’m not so sure I’ve gained any perspective back by removing myself, but it has made me question why some people expend so much effort sharing so much with the world at large. And yes, I know this blog contradicts that thought. I’m just as guilty as anybody else – but at least now this is the only place I do it, rather than trying to tweet, share little square photos, update my daily status, scroll through this site and that site, clicking hearts, likes, and whatever else. Looking back, it seems exhausting.
I’m starting to realise how much happier I am writing a few words here each day, then walking away.