
I have just spent the last twenty minutes scrolling through other people’s lives on Tumblr – watching their thoughts, dreams, nightmares, hopes, wishes, memories and worries stutter past. I lit the heart icon on some, and commented on others.

Scrolling through people’s lives is odd really, isn’t it. Imagine if you saw a friend in the street with tears on their cheeks, but all you did was pat them on the back as you walked past. Or if you saw somebody you know that looked great, heading out for a night out – and you pinched their ass as you walked by.

I get it. Most of the content posted to the “social” internet is an invitation for feedback. It always has been, and always will be. Imagine though – imagine if we scrolled through real life. How many daily interactions would we ignore ? How many would we hit the heart icon on? How many times would we stop to talk ?