Second Childhood

I never really read any comic books when I was young. I'm not sure why. I remember seeing them around, but they were never a “big thing”. I read the odd copy of the “Beano”, and “Dandy”, but never any of the “real” comicsthe DC, or Marvel comics, filled with Superman, Spiderman, Batman, and Wonderwoman. The only places I can ever remember seeing them were in waiting rooms of places like the dentist, or the barbers.

Over the years I have always loved comic book artwork thoughfirst through Tank Girl, then an assortment of Manga, and over the last couple of years through the amazing artwork appearing on the internet by the likes of Adam Hughes, Alex Ross, and Amanda Conner. Trust meif you have never heard their namesgo search for them.

After listening to Andy Ihnatko talk about comics once again on his podcast last week, I finally installed the Comixology app on my tablet, and bought a copy of a comic”Ms Marvel”. It was initially for our eldest daughter to read (she loved it, and hasn't shut up about it), but then I started reading it too, and unexpectedly discovered that I loved it too.

I have always been a bit of a luddite with comics (or “graphic novels”, as they are sometimes termed)looking down my nose at them, and returning to the written word. It turns out I've made a huge mistake, because they are wonderful.

Of course the problem now is finding the more interesting stories that are accessible to somebody that has not been reading comics his entire life. I have no idea of the back story of the various characters, or where to even start from in their stories.