Second Coffee

I'm working from home once again. Mid morning. Two coffees down. I don't really have anything to share, other than I somehow managed not to write a blog post yesterdayso again I have broken the “streak” of posting every day.Perhaps I should re-title the blog “Almost Daily”. Wasn't that the name of Amanda Congdon's video podcast when she left Rocket Boom though ? Ahnothat was “Sometimes Daily”.

I used to keep up with so many more things than I do these days. Audio podcasts, video podcasts, blogs, social networks I guess life happened. And a huge slice of apathy. It goes in cyclesI know it doesone month my head will be full of enthusiasm for the wider internet, consuming anything and everythinganother month I'll just sit out her on my imaginary island on my own, kicking stones around and taking no notice of the wider world.

The internet is a wonderful escape though. You can sit down late on an evening and vanish in plain sight for several hours. I often choose the web over broadcast television. I guess I'm not really choosing “the web” thoughthe web is just a conduit to the people filling it up with interesting and diverting stuff. It's really all about the people.

I used to know and keep in touch with so many people onlineor at least try to keep in touch. It's hard thoughwhen you realise you're the person maintaining the “friendships”you wonder why you bother. If you go offline for a few days, you quickly learn that perhaps only one or two of those you think of as “friends” will bother to ask after you.

Anyway. I always change subject by writing “anyway”. Time to get on with some work I guess. Time to put one foot in front of another for the remainder of the day.