Second to Last

Before we start, it’s probably worth pointing out that the above photo was scraped from a Google search. Any similarity or likeness to our table of reprobates at the football club quiz last night are entirely coincidental.

So yes – we attended a charity quiz night at the local football club last night – and as the title of this post suggests, we placed second to last. Actually, we tied with another team, but at least we weren’t dead last. I think it’s probably the worst we have ever done at a pub quiz in our life.

I could of course complain about half the answers being debatable. The “largest island in the world” had the official answer of “Australia” – we wrote “Greenland”, and an internet search on the way home proved us right. The musician with the biggest live crowd in history had the official answer of “Rod Stewart” – we wrote “Jean Michel Jarre” – again, an internet search on the way home proved us right. There were probably many more.

You know the funny thing though? None of us really cared. Last night was really just an excuse to get out – an excuse to go for a drink with a few friends and have a laugh. It didn’t really matter that it was a pub quiz at all.

I’m surprised I have no hangover this morning, given the amount I drank last night. I don’t drink much at the best of times, and trying to keep up with an Australian friend soon proved to be impossible. As he asked around the table about a final drink before heading home, I had to hold my hands up and apologise for my lack of drinking talent.