While sat here becoming frustrated with having a cold, feeling rubbish, and wishing the world could simplify itself a little, I spent the last hour deleting things.
Over the last year I had somehow found myself with three blogs – personal, technical, and development. Why? Good question. With only so many hours in the day, and while feeling particularly crap today, I have canned them all – or rather merged them all into one.
You will also noticed I have changed the styling of the site over to a pre-built theme called “Hemmingway”. I like the way it forces the focus towards content rather than style. It's so easy to get wrapped up in how things look rather than what they are communicating.
Through the wonders of a little Heath Robinson style re-wiring I have managed to make sure that anybody who was following my feed through feedburner will still be able to do so. To be honest, I have never been very interested in statistics so not having a little doobry in the corner of the page saying “XYZ people are reading your blog” isn't really going to make my life any worse.
Of course now I'm waiting for the backlash. Some people like “messy”, and are going to hate minimalism that PluggedOut has now become. I make no apologies for it at all.
Expect to start seeing the odd post of a technical nature. While I have thus far only ever written about the daily detritus, some of you will be aware that I also write about software design, development, and opinion pieces on technology from time to time. Think of this as the “crossing of the streams”.
For those with an interest for these kinds of things, the above graph shows the visitors stats for the last few days here at PluggedOut – I'm wondering if that will significantly change following today's events. Time will tell.