Single Handed Saturday

I'm sitting in bed at 10pm, typing this on the old iPad. My other half is at a music festival with her friends. I am holding the fort. I'm not going to describe everything that has happened today – lets just say I'm tired of dealing with everybody else's crap. I'm tired of people being unreasonable. I'm tired of people being lazy. I'm tired of people expecting the world on a stick. I'm tired of everything being on other peoples terms.

Maybe I could simplify this all to “I'm tired of people” – or maybe just “I'm tired”.

Tomorrow I have a mountain to climb – washing clothes, and starting to pack for holidays. The washing machine and dryer were on all day today – they will be forced into action again tomorrow. Other half returns late tomorrow night – I dare not even think about packing for her.

Maybe it's time to watch a rubbish movie To take my mind off everything, or trudge off across the Internet in search of similarly dissillusioned idiots.