Sitting in the dark
A few moments ago, after wandering into the kitchen with the intention of making a cup of coffee, I filled the kettle with water, switched it on, and then found myself hanging from the door of the fridge, in search of nothing in particular.I left the kitchen a few moments later with a can of beer.
It's been that kind of week so far – where you set out to do one thing, and end up doing something completely different. The problem comes when the sideways shifts cascade, and the path back towards order and sanity becomes lost in the mayhem.
So. I'm sitting in the dark of the study, listening to “Scarett's Walk” by Tori Amos – probably one of my favourite albums of recent years. There's something about her. She doesn't shout – she doesn't need to – instead she quietly sings, and whispers straight into your brain. I like that.
At lunchtime today I changed the look and feel of this blog markedly, and then changed it back again. I need to stop doing that. If I'm not changing the entire platform it's sat on, I'm tinkering with the damn stylesheets. I need to leave it alone and just concentrate on the words. Just write. Stop thinking. Stop considering.
I guess the main problem at the moment is that I have nothing “going on” in my life – no stories to tell. I therefore end up tinkering with stuff. If not for the computer, I would no doubt have an impressive shed in the garden that I spend hours in. I guess I should enjoy having any time at all free, because the grass outside has remembered how to grow in the last few days... evenings spent marching up and down behind the lawn mower are no doubt waiting for me.