Slowing Down

There was something about the expression on the puppy’s face in the photo accompanying this post (it’s a stock photo, if you were wondering). I think it’s the “let me know when the world slows down a bit?” look. The world does finally seem to be slowing down – at least until I realise I’ve missed something out in the colossal, not-so-super-secret project I’ve been working on for the last several weeks.

Train and hotel tickets are booked for the end of the week. I have a few days to tinker, test, and hopefully not uncover too many horrors before I sit in front of the client and open their eyes to the Frankenstein Monster they asked for. I’m not sure they have realised how significant a nightmare they have brought upon themselves at all.

Maybe I can get back to blogging now. Back to telling the story of my days, and having a little more to share than “guess who worked all evening again?”. Maybe I’ll also get a chance to read my blogroll, and catch up with a few favourites.

While writing this the washing machine and dryer are rumbling away, and the younger children are supposed to be tidying their rooms up. I have no illusions at all that most of the clean washing delivered to their arms an hour ago will be back in the dirty washing bin on the upstairs landing. I also have no illusions that there will be shouting, and murmurs of unfairness. There might even be shouts of “I HATE THIS FAMILY”. It wouldn’t be the first time.

Some days it feels like it would be more reasonable to ask the children to deliver an astronaut to the moon before the decade is out, than to tidy their bedroom up.