Starting Early

The alarm clock was programmed for 6am this morning. I woke at 5:50am after a pretty spectacular dream about some sort of school reunion, and watched the last ten minutes tick away. I could have got up, but an irresistible force kept me from sliding out into the morning air. With moments left before it would explode in noise, I cancelled the alarm, and tiptoed downstairs – looking in on the children’s bedrooms en-route. They looked like they had collided with their beds at some velocity during the night.

After finding clothes, packing my bag, and wrapping myself in several layers, I wandered off into the early morning darkness towards the local railway station.

The journey was unremarkable. I managed to buy a ticket, the various trains connected, and I even found time at one of the major stations en-route to buy lunch, and something hot to eat for breakfast.

We’ll try to forget about me stressing throughout Sunday about going on-site again. I swear I get worse every time. I literally sucked the fun out of everybody elses Sunday while vanishing inside myself and getting on with chores. It’s done now though, and of course the day wasn’t as bad as I thought it might be.

I need to give myself a break.

Anyway. That’s it for work journeys until the new year. Just the rest of this week to get through. Oh – and you know that company in Germany that I’ve spend a few days visiting this year? They put an order in for over a hundred days. I better start learning some German.

p.s. I know my blog has been interminably boring, and terribly written recently. It feels like I’ve been “mailing it in” for a while now. Fingers crossed my mojo returns over the Christmas break, and I find it in me to fill pages with the utter jibberish you’re more accustomed to.