Still too many pies

I still haven't pushed the plunger on Blogger, Tumblr, or LiveJournal. Just to add to the maelstrom, I moved my real/nerd blog to the Ghost blogging platform this week, and started writing half-way sensible posts. It's kind of interesting because it has no commenting facility – so it's just me, splurging my words out onto the internet.
One sensible blog, and three “day in the life” blogs is too many. It's idiocy in the extreme. Granted, Tumblr gets filled with rubbish completely automatically (via Instagram, and IFTTT), but I still manually cross-post into LiveJournal. It feels ridiculous – posting the same words in different places – and yet there is a tiny bit of logic to it. Somebody famous (or perhaps a lot of not so famous people) said that the people will not come to you – you must go to where the people are. I guess the problem with that is Facebook.
If I really wanted to spam the crap out of anybody I vaguely know, I would cross-post into Facebook. I don't do that – I never will. I know how annoyed I become when acquaintances advertise themselves all over Facebook. I know how annoyed I become when the same scary school friend leaps on any post I let her see. Nope. Not even touching Facebook with a long stick.
Every time I mention walking from LiveJournal, a small chorus of people appear from the woodwork, and do enough to convince me that leaving would be stupid. My thoughts might change once I have to start paying for the Pro account somebody gifted me for a few months. I may end up pulling the plug.
I don't think I would really be missed at Tumblr, because I'm not invested in it – I'm on the opposite side of the world from the group you might call the “nucleus” of the blogging community there. Most of the Tumblrs that write are in either New York, Chicago, or the Carolinas. A lot of them have met each other. I will likely never meet any of them, short of jumping on a 10 hour flight across the Atlantic ocean.
We'll see. I'm tempted to just have the Blogger blog, and the sensible blog at Ghost. At least then people will have an easy choice when looking for my writing.
If you made it this far you deserve a medal. And a sit down.
Half the reason I write boring posts about nothing in particular is because I have nothing of great interest to share. There's only so much you can say about cycling to work, sitting in front of a computer programming all day, and then cycling home. I talk about washing up a lot – because it's the only other hugely time consuming part of my life (apart from sleeping). I f*cking hate washing up.
I have been binge-watching the TV show “Silicon Valley” over the last few nights – usually after the kids have gone to bed. Haven't laughed so much in ages. I guess there are a lot of parallels with the people in the show, and people I know in the real world. Uncomfortable parallels if they ever saw the show.
I also have the last few episodes of “Game of Thrones” to watch – although I'm not entirely sure I will bother; it's become a bit of a soap opera recently – it's hard to care about any of the characters any more.
What else to report? (he says, glancing around the room)
Another LootCrate box arrived in the post a few days ago. The major win this time was a Marvel ice cube tray. The kids think Captain America shields made of ice in their drinks are the best trick ever. They also sat and did the Rick and Morty jigsaw immediately.
Finally... I need to find some new podcasts to listen to. I've been relying on the same few shows recently, and it's getting pretty boring, always waking up to the same two or three shows on my phone on a morning (I listen on the way to and from work). Any recommendations ?