Stir Crazy
I had planned on being in the office today. That all changed a few minutes after waving the children off to school, when it transpired that the plans recorded in Google Calendarweren't entirely accurate. A meeting after lunch that I had presumed would involve both myself and my other half actually meant just me. Thankfully my work have been brilliant about me taking time off recently, and today was no exception. I just made sure after returning that I made the missing hours back up – working late into the evening answering emails, and helping distant co-workers in their hour of need.
I have finally downed tools, and now find myself sitting in the dark of the junk room for half an hour with a glass of wine, armed witha list of blogs I haven't read for several days. I'm also aware – after deactivating my Tumblr account – that I can't keep up with a number of the people I used to read, because they have chosen to close their blogs to the outside world – if you're not a member, you can't read their posts.
This is where I admit to nearly re-joining Tumblr this afternoon. I lasted approximately one minute. I picked a random username, headed to one particular blog I wanted to look in on, and then deactivated again. I suppose in some ways it was a reminder that when you leave somewhere, you do lose things – and that the effort spent looking back would have been far better spent looking forwards.
In a roundabout way, I suppose all I'm really saying is that I'm sticking around at Wordpress, and will actively begin searching out new and interesting people to follow and read.
I need to stop writing about blogging. It's quite possibly the most boring subject in the known universe – but at least it's not controversial I suppose. I could have written about my total lack of belief or faith in any form of religion or creator theory, which would probably have raised all manner of eyebrows. I know, I've promised to write about it before. I doubt I ever will, because I'll just end up going on the attack, and lose friends left, right, and centre. Better to keep some opinions to ourselves, right ?
Part of the deal of getting Miss 16 to the Doctor today involved taking her to the book store that sells comic books in town. She bought another Manga book, and I ended up walking out of the store with a graphic novel. I have to admit I primarily judged it on the artwork – I love comic book artwork, but can take or leave the stories. She is the other way around – in her eyes, the story is everything. I end up pouring over each panel – typically admiring how the artist has drawn the female characters (girls are difficult to draw well).
Maybe one day I will pick up a pencil and begin drawing again. It's been years since I drew anything of consequence. On the rare occasion that I have put pen or pencil to paper, I quickly realised that I've not lost anything, which was instructive in it's own way – it turns out that learning to draw or paint at college is really just teaching you to look at the world a different way – to see it through different eyes.