Reaching the end of the week feels like being tipped from a wheelbarrow into the weekend. It's been a tough one. Not emotionally or physically – just mentally. It's difficult to describe what software development is like if you've never been involved in it, and it's probably interminably boring to hear anybody try to explain it – so I won't. Let's just say I'm tired.
When I got home from work this evening I cleared the kitchen around my other half as she made dinner, threw some washing in the machine, and then headed out into the garden to cut the lawn. There was method to my idiocy – the more things I get done on a Friday night, the more the weekend becomes my own. Of course the world never quite works as we might like, but the hope is there. No doubt tomorrow will bring all manner of unexpected errands – Saturdays are particularly crafty like that.
So what else has been going on? It feels like I've become a bit detached from the blog just recently – too busy chasing my own tail to sit down and write much of consequence. Let's think...
One of my co-workers retired yesterday. We don't often see him in the office – he's usually out on the road. I've known him for the past eighteen years – since I started in 2001. It's odd to think that I've been working at the same place for so long. I still think back to my first “proper” job with perhaps more fondness than the current one – I was only there for five years, but have all sorts of wonderful memories – mostly of the characters I worked with – of nights out, and idiotic adventures.
It's my Mum's birthday today – she's 70 years old. We bought flowers via the internet and had them delivered, then after dinner this evening I called to wish her many happy returns. The phone handset took turns being handed around everybody to wish her well, and to share each other's news – we don't stay in touch as much as we perhaps should. In the summer we're heading down to the coast to visit for a week – if the weather is kind to us, a days of beach combing, coast walks, ice creams, and pub lunches.
Anyway. It's getting late. Time to go pour myself a glass of wine and perhaps read a book. Time to switch off.