Sunday ends with random thoughts
I've installed a new theme into the WordPress blog, and am wondering how much more minimal I can getthis one gets pretty close to the limit. Given that I only post words these days, it makes sense to remove all other distractionsor at least it makes senseto me.
While writing this I'm downloading “Mageia Linux”. I've been using Ubuntu at home for the past couple of years on and offand while it's great, and it works, it's becoming more of a walled garden in the same way that Apple OSX, and Microsoft Windows areand I don't like that. Yes, I know I fly in the face of all these thoughtsI have an Android phone, and a Chromebook laptop, and it could be argued that Google are in the process of building the biggest walled garden any of us have ever seen. At least Google are transparent.
I'm writing about geeky rubbish, aren't I. I need to stop doing that.
It was “Father's Day” in the UK today. We don't really do anything special for it in our house (which is odd really, because if I don't make a big deal about mothers day, I might as well live in the shed for a while). The girls brought me cards they had made in bed this morningat 7:30am !?and a bottle of cider and that was pretty much it. I got up, did the washing up for a couple of hours, tidied up downstairs, and then W finally appeared and asked if I wanted to go to her parents for the day.
It wasn't a hard decisionthe alternative was to clip the hedge at the front of the house.
We got home about an hour agothe younger children are in bed already. Sunday is nearly over, and next week looks fairly predictable for a change. Of course writing that has probably cursed it to become filled with chaos, confusion, and recriminations.
I would love to go put the kettle on and make a coffee, but we don't have anywe ran out yesterday. I forsee a trip to the corner shop in a few moments to replenish the supply.
I guess this is “goodbye Father's Day” for another year not that anything special happenedat all. Maybe when the kids are older they will do something. I better start threatening them now.