Sunday Evening Anime Marathon

After spending the greater part of the day washing clothes, re-installing phones for little people, grocery shopping, fixing handles on drawers, and various other miscellaneous tasks, the evening looks like remaining remarkably quiet.

The children are finally home – after I summoned them for re-heated chicken and bacon pasta bake – and watching a new-to-them Anime series on Netflix called “Fairy Tale”. As far as I can tell it's about wizards, magic, a cat, and loads of fanservice. Of course the fanservice stuff is flying straight over their heads, but in the few moments I saw, I couldn't help grinning, and thinking back to the TV shows we used to watch – or rather, that our parents let us watch. Daisy Duke. That's all I'm saying.

While they watch the cartoons, I'm sitting in the study, sipping wine, and writing this. My other half is now in a muddy field, in front of the stage at “Rewind” – a music festival that wheels out the big names of the 80s and 90s for thirty and forty somethings to reminisce. I'm not entirely sure how it turned into a girls weekend, or how a couple of the husbands ended up chaperoning their other halves (do people really not trust each other even that much?).

Our middle girl finally graduated to an Android phone earlier today. While clearing out a draw in the kitchen looking for something else, I found my other half's old Samsung handset. Cutting a long story short, middle girl now has Pokemon Go. I didn't see her for two hours this afternoon.

In other news, the little boy across the way from us has been given access to the Minecraft server. I logged in, and gave him a gold sword (because I'm awesome). He came to our house to thank me in person. Who does that any more?! It pretty much made my day.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to join my daughters to watch a flying cat, a wizard, and a shapely blonde girl with a slit in her skirt to her armpit lay waste to all manner of other magical beings – for no sensible reason I can yet discern.