Sunday with Friends
After a slightly crazy morning running here there and everywhere, the remains of Sunday were spent with good friendslaughing, telling stories, eating badly barbecued food in the garden, drinking hot chocolate in the dark, and playing the most unlikely game of soccer with the children imaginable.
After experimenting with various techniques to build “Tin Man” costumes for a coming dance show, and after eating enough to kill a small elephant, and passing comment on life, the universe, and everything in-between, conversation fell on favourite movies.
I always find it difficult to pick favourite movies. My memory is awfulI draw a blank, and then come to life as others mention titles”I liked that too!“, “Yes!fantastic movie!” and of course now, hours after the conversation, I'm recalling all manner of movies that had an impact on me;Big FishK-PaxClose Encounters of the Third KindLa LectriceLittle ChildrenIt's funny thoughas much as I like thoughtful, quiet movies, I also like what many would term “chick flicks”;Notting HillMusic and LyricsYou've Got MailThe NotebookMr Holland's OpusWhat are your favourite movies ? Can you draw up a list straight away, or do youlike mehave to think about it for a while ?