Talking to Myself
If you read the perceived wisdom of professional bloggers on the internet, they emphasise the importance of having an “about” page. I'm not sure I entirely agree or disagree based on recent experience.
I guess it all comes down to a simple questionwho bothers to read an about page ?It always strikes me that the only person that really cares about the contents of an about page is the author. People don't tend to read old posts, and they don't read pagesthe vast majority only read the latest post, and make snap judgements based on the subject matter, photos, and style of writing.
The only exceptions to the above seem to be fame, discord, or curiosity. If you become famous, you might attract stalkers who will read anything and everything availablebut outside of that world, good luck. If you are of no particular note, the only people that will sift through everything you have shared will be either aggrieved family members, or nosey acquaintances and co-workers.
A part of me feels that it's unfair that so many take so much from the internet without sharing much of themselvesreading anything and everything shared by others, but never posting anything about their own life. Those of us who share do so willingly though, so we have no base for an argument about fairness or transparency.
I suppose I could write something autobiographical for an “about” page, buy I tend to think it's better to save stories for posts, rather than aggregate them into a contrived synopsis of my life.
Perhaps the best planfor the moment at leastis to sit on my hands, and do nothing.