The Cookie Choice Corollary
I just walked into the office and interrupted a ridiculous converstion where two of my co-workers were trying to decide which cookies to buy from town. I caused slack jaws all round by drawing a simple Venn diagram on a piece of paper, with the words “Cheapest”, “Most”, and “Nicest” circled.
After a few moments explaining my feat of brilliance they disregarded me, and began wondering if they could scrape together enough money for a pizza from Dominos instead.
I'm not sure I can come up with a decision matrix to choose between cookies and pizza. In my mind Pizza would win every time. Think about itperfect accompaniment for a coffee? Pizza, obviously. Perfect accompaniment for a cup of cocoaPizza, obviously.
I was going to suggest that the temptation with a bag of triple chocolate cookies is that you will eventually eat the entire bagand then feel sick. This doesn't work though, because if you buy a pizza the size of a dustbin lid with all good intentions of having some of it for lunch tomorrow, you will probably still eat the whole damn thing (it depends how good the movie you're watching is).
There probably IS some kind of formula that relates the compulsiveness of a TV show or movie with the quantity of pizza, popcorn, chocolate, or wine that can be consumed while watching without realising.