The Day Vanishes

Do you ever have days when you wonder what you did – where the day went? I know I spent quite some time signing my younger daughters up for XBox Live accounts – and then trying to make head or tail of some sort of team building thing in FIFA 17 for them. I think they now understand it far better than me, but that might be because they spent all day taking turns to play it, while I washed up, did chores, and whatever other bullshit things filled my day.

Given the continual chorus of its my turn, we have decided to sell off a huge amount of old games (for the Wii, and the Gamecube), and trade them all in for three second hand XBox 360s – one for each of the children. It will stop the arguments dead, and force them to put up with their own hell-hole rooms while playing games.

You might wonder why we wouldnt go for one XBox One, or PS4 – theres an easy answer to that – you can buy any of the 360 games from discount stores for pocket-money now – meaning the children can afford them. They will never be able to afford first-party games for the latest generation of games machines.

I wonder what the staff of the local discount game store will think when my other half arrives next week with two huge bags full of games, and Skylander figurines ? I also wonder what they will say when she propositions them to do a straight swap for three XBox 360s ?