The Eternal Optimist

While talking to my other half over a drink late last night, we joked about my optimistic outlook oneverything. At the time we were only joking, but when I thought about it later, I realised it's kind of true.

I always see the glimmer of light in the darkest places. While everybody else is busy bitching and complaining about something, I'm the one that's already digging his way out, or marching in the opposite direction in search of a way out.

It will therefore come as no surprise to anybody that I have very little patience indeed for people who choose to bitch and complain. Some people seem to revel in itthey see the potential for disaster, and almost look forward to it before it's even happened. Rather than swim against the tide, they jump further into the river, and sink on purpose.

It's not just the failureit's their eagerness to slam anybody else for not being perfect, or for failing while trying. That really annoys me. It's the aloof presumption that they are somehow superior to somebody else purely because they might know something, or have experience of something that another doesn't.

Why help, or teach, when you can belittle behind somebody elses back?Of course I never tell any of these people that I'm furious with them. I quietly sit and store it all away, enacting imaginary conversations and arguments in my head.