The Holiday Mirrors Reality

While flicking through the channels late last night, I discovered “The Holiday” was on, and given that I'll watch anything with Kate Winslet in, that this is the only movie where Jack Black isn't a colossal dick, and that “The Holiday” is just a terrific all-round popcorn movie, I got sucked in and watched half of it before I realised what I was doing.

While watching, I realised very few of you really know where I live, or what it's like. You know the “Iris” character lives in that cottage about an hour from London by train? You know she arrives home in the dark after trudging from the station?Yeahif you want to know about my commute on the days I work in the citythose few minutes following Iris home in the movie are pretty damn accurate (wellapart from the real train being packed with people, meaning you're lucky to get a seat).