The Internet Returns

Before we get started, it's probably worth mentioning the origin of the picture accompanying this post.It's a still from the Studio Ghibli movie “The Cat Returns”. If you've never heard of Studio Ghibli, you can't be my friend (or at least you need to go watch several of their movies, and then I might consider talking to you again. You'll learnwho Totoro is, why the Cat Bus is awesome, and where Laputa was).

So. The Internet Returns. As I stumbled down the stairs this morning towards the shower, my other half looked at her phone, and excitedly shouted “THE WIFIIS BACK UP!”. This meant that our household had completely it's changeover from ADSL to Fibre. For the majority of yesterday we had no telephone line, and no internet connection while the engineers do whatever it is that engineers do when they open the mysterious green boxes on street corners. Never let it be known that I am the internet obsessed geek in the housemy other half proved it at 7am this morning.

We weregetting 25 megabits down this morningabout twice what we used to get, and we're now getting about 12 during early evening I'm guessing contention has a lot to do with that. It's funny reallyremember when we all thought 500 kilobits was fast? HellI remember when I thought a 56K modem was pretty specialbut then I'm very, very oldI can remember the “You've Got Mail” voice ringing out from AOL.

It was odd, having no internet connection last night. I watched TV while washing up, and ended up doing all manner of chores that I normally wouldn't have donepurely because I had nothing better to do. I could have read a book I supposebut the flipside was getting up this morning to a fairly tidy house.

Ok. I have to stop writing. Errands to run. Children to pick up from football pitches. Bedtime wrangling to achieve.