The Liebster Award
Having resurrected this blog from the halls of anonymity at the weekend, I was shocked, stunned and amazed to discover that somebodyobviously of wonderful judgement and gorgeousness, and obviously bowled over by the two or three forgettable posts I havespat out sincenominated me for an online awardbloggers to attract attention to themselves by spamming the crap out of a strangers, and then hoping the people they spam will link back, and spam more people.
After giving it great thoughtat least 10 seconds worthI've decided not to play. I'm not going to link back to the person that nominated me, and I'm not going to spam my friends. I'm going to sit here in splendid isolation, and look smug while nobody takes any notice of me. They very probably didn't read this far either.
Maybe I'll go read some blogs, click heart icons, write comments, and email a few friendsyou knowactually take notice of people, rather than spam them with some fake award I pulled out of my ass.