The Lifestyle Distortion Field
It struck me this evening that I may have stumbled upon a direction for this blog – or rather, the direction I don’t want it to go in.
There’s this “niche” called “lifestyle” blogging. I pencilled mine in as a “lifestyle” blog over at BlogLovin when I set it up, thinking that the category would be all about people’s lives – about their hopes, their dreams, their funny stories about their car crash lives.
Oh, how wrong I was.
It turns out the lifestyle niche is all about people who don’t actually work – who can somehow afford a top of the range Canon or Nikon camera to photograph themselves wearing an endless succession of new clothes, laughing with pretty friends in exclusive restaurants, or having days out in unlikely cities while staying in boutique hotels.
I need to ballot BlogLovin for a new category, or niche. I’m thinking it should just be called “Life”, or perhaps “I can’t even”, or maybe “Fuck it”.