The Mobile Phone Waiting Game
I nearly caved this weekend. The contract is up on my old mobile, and I'm finally able to upgrade.
On Friday afternoon I walked into town with the primary aim of picking up provisions to get us through the snowy weekend, and put a bank statement in my pocket on the off-chance that I might walk past the mobile phone shop... that I knew damn well I would be walking past. The phone shop was shut. While walking back down the highstreet I passed another mobile network shop, and they too were shut. A sign perhaps?
On Saturday afternoon I called around the various mobile phone shops within a 20 mile radius in search of the Google Nexus 4 – which is apparently available free on the same contract I have been on. Shop after shop repeated the same line;
“Sorry, we have sold out of the Nexus 4. We can order one for you though”
Another sign, perhaps?
Yesterday evening I even considered looking at the Samsung Galaxy S3, until I realised the hardware is nowhere near as good as the Nexus 4. It has half the RAM... anybody that has switched between the Camera, Gallery, Email, and Instagram knows the pain of mobile phones having too little RAM. The reviewers never play that game either, so they don't pick up on it. It also costs far more than the Nexus 4.
Anyway – I'm starting to ramble. The reality is that I'll probably have to wait for weeks to get a Nexus 4 – especially if I get one from Google, and kill my current contract. In the meantime, I'll soldier on with the work phone; a remarkably awful Sony Xperia, blighted with low memory, low storage, and the worst design in the known universe.