The Movie Challenge
While talking about movies that various actors had been in last night, our eldest daughter roller her eyes and stated as dramatically as possible that all”old” movies – particularly musicals, which she holds a special place in her version of hell for – wererubbish.
After laughing out loud for a few moments, I realised she was deadly serious, and so an idea hatched in my head.
“How about you agree to sit with me and watch three 'old' movies – and at the end of it see if you still have the same opinion ?”
Almost unbelievably, she agreed. So I upped the ante further, knowing she also holds a special place alongside “old” movies for anything with subtitles.
“Ok – lets turn this into a two part challenge – for the second part we will watch three foreign language movies that have subtitles”
She agreed again.
Now I have a problem. As wonderful as this chance is to spend some time with her, I need to decide on three old movies, and three foreign language movies to watch with her over the coming weeks. I'm almost at a loss to choose, because the range of what I might show her is vast. There are literally thousandsof amazing movies to choose from – from Breakfast at Tiffany's, to Barefoot in the Park, to La Lectrice, and Cinema Paradiso... where do you even start ?
I will say that I'm tempted to go with quiet movies, rather than box office monsters.