The one where dinner descended into yet another fight

Everything was going so well – I got home after a ridiculous day at work that I can't write anything about, got the first round of washing up out of the way, looked after dinner while Miss 9 went to Football, laid the table, made the gravy, and then sat down with everybody to eat (Toad in the Hole if you're wondering).

Miss 14 arrived at the dinner table, refused to sit straight on her chair, and refused to eat with anything but a single fork. This has been going on for weeks – it was obvious she was looking to start a fight, and she got one this time – with both of us.

Ten seconds later she stormed from the table, screaming that we were starving her to death, and slammed her bedroom door behind her. That happens a lot at the moment. While washing up (again) I wrapped her dinner up, and put it in the fridge.

After my other half left to pick up Bobby Charlton (our nickname for Miss 9), she predictably re-appeared, telling me “I'm going to the corner shop”. She stopped at the front door, and asked “Is that ok?”

“No, it's not ok. It's dark outside, and I don't really want you going out in the dark on your own – especially to the shop. I can't stop you though, because if I try, you'll end up screaming at me. You go ahead. I can't stop you – do what you want – you always do.”

She has never got a reaction like that from me before. She quietly stomped back off upstairs, and shut her bedroom door again. We haven't seen her since.