The one where Friday didn't happen
I'm sitting in the study, half listening to the “Favourite Coffee House” mix on Spotify, and half wondering what I'm going to do with the rest of the day. I was supposed to be at the zoo with the kids today. Miss 14 spectacularly threw a spanner into that as soon as we woke this morning. The younger children left at half nine. I am stuck here “keeping an eye on her” (read: doing what the hell I like, because she has used up all her chances).
After alternate plans had been made I stood in her bedroom and pretty much told her that we didn'twanther to go to the zoo if everybody else was going to have to tiptoe around her to avoid her ruining the day for everybody else. She arrived in the kitchenafter alternate plans had been made, “ready to go”. Too late. She turned around and stomped back to her bedroom – I haven't seen her again.
So. I have a day of fooling around on the internet, drinking coffee, and listening to music. I'll spend some time filling the external hard drive with TV shows and movies ready for my trip to Scotland on Monday, I'll charge the Kindle, the ancient iPod Shuffle, and the Nintendo DS (yes, I still have a DS). I might even download some music onto my phone.
Trying to choose music to fit inside 1Gb on a an ancientiPod Shuffle is surprisingly difficult.