The one where I forgot NaBloPoMo, NaNoWriMo, and Movember
I completely forgot NaBloPoMo (“National Blog Posting Month”) was happening. I'm SUCH an idiot, it's untrue. I just checked back through the last few posts here to see if I have something at least posted each day, but of course I have notbecause I was “off the radar” for much of last week. So this year I not only wimped out of NaNoWriMo, but NaBloPoMo too. Go me!I suppose technically speaking, I could still take part in NaNoWriMoI would just have to write more than 1500 words each day to catch up. It's easily do-able, but I just don't get enough free time to play silly games like that (for those who have no idea, NaNoWriMo is the annual challenge to write a 50,000 word novel in the calendar month of November). The last time I had a crack at it was about four years ago, and I got about a third of the way in before life, work, and the universe in general decided to end my challenge.
My life seems to revolve around, and become derailed by others. It's rare that I ever get to do what I want, and equally rare that I complain about it at the time. I just mumble nonsensically like Milton in Office Space while out of earshot of anybody. One day last week when our youngest changed her mind about breakfast I completely lost it, and thumped the kitchen worktop with both fists, King Kong style. It's didn't dissuade her from her breakfast choice.
I even forgot about Movember (the annual thing to grow a moustache during November to raise money for charity). I would be able to grow one in a matter of daysif I don't shave, I look like a vagrant after one day, and an outdoors survival export by about the third day. It's too late really now thoughand I would be doing it for the wrong reasons. Ithas to be for charity reallynot for the fun of growing a moustache and posting selfies of it throughout the month. Plus I bet I would look like a complete pervert with a moustache (I've never grown one before).
I've never grown a full beard eithermainly because of the stereotype computer nerd thing. I'm already a software developerif I had a beard I might as well wear a lab coat, and start reading Unix instruction books.