The one where I rescued a puppy
After leaving the office this evening, while fiddling with the strap on my helmet, adjusting my backpack, and fastening my gloves, a black labrador puppy came racing past me at breakneck speed – all legs, ears, flapping tongue, and propeller tail. It was perhaps four months old, and (in the words of my Grandad) was so excited it didn't know if it was having a shit or a haircut.
I stood and laughed at it for a few moments, until a stunning girl appeared out of nowhere, with a toddler in tow. It appeared the toddler had let the dog out. Correction – dogs out. There was another dog – some kind of wolf cross-breed thing that ran straight up to me, wagging like crazy, jumped up, and expertly kicked me in the nuts with it's front feet.
Once I could see that the girl was trying to corral the dogs, I thought “I don't need to be here any longer”, jumped on the mountain bike, and set off.
I made it about ten yards.
The labrador puppy came sprinting around the corner, in the middle of the road, and narrowly avoided being run over by the lady that lives across the way – who arrived home from work in her BMW at exactly that moment.
I dropped my bike in the middle of the road, and somehow managed to corner the puppy – scooping it up into the air, and wandering back with it licking my face, and wriggling like a bionic worm. While en-route I spotted one of the ladies leaving the office, confronted with the adult dog, which seemed as excited as the puppy about it's momentary freedom. It jumped at my co-worker (who is obviously not a dog person, given her horrified reaction), causing her to almost break into a run in the opposite direction. I'm not sure how I didn't burst out laughing.
A few moments later I handed the puppy over to the girl (who was even prettier close up, but had a mouth like a construction worker), and said my goodbyes.