The one where I upgraded my phone

I went Christmas shopping this morning in a nearby townand immediately after getting off the bus, walked straight to the mobile phone store, and started looking at the two models I had narrowed my search down to (in a gargantuanly geeky manner, I had read all the leading website reviews of the phones the night before). I wanted to see them, hold them in my hand, and have a play with them.

After standing there for something in the region of five seconds, a sales guy walked over.“Can I help you?”“YesI'm up for an upgrade as of yesterday. I don't know if to get this one, or this one.” (pointing my finger at the phones in front of me)The sales guy then started telling a story Sheldon Cooper would have been proud of, about his own use of his mobile phone, and what worked for him. Before he got onto talking about trains, or flags, I interrupted him.“You only have a few contracts listed out hereI really only want data, and hardly any minuteswhat can you do?“At this point I obviously crossed some kind of selling line, and the nice guy that told stories handed me off to the guy that knew anything at all about the commercials. It turned out I could get one of the phones cheaper at the moment because there was a promotion on. So I chose that phone. As quickly as that. I think he was surprised too. I got an LG G3 by the way.

I left the store a minute or two later after signing the new contract, and chattering about my other half hating her Samsung Galaxy S4 with pathological fervor.

While writing this I'm waiting for the second round of alarmingly enormous downloaded updates to install itself on the handset. It seems phones suffer the same hell as new installations of Microsoft Windowswhere you spend the first several hours recursively downloading and installing updates before the phone stops wittering on at you.

I've installed most of the “usual” appsTwitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Evernote, Instagram, and so onbut I think perhaps the one thing about a half-decent phone that I'm really looking forward to is having a good camera once more. The budget Windows Phone I've been carrying around for the last six months was ok, but the camera was rubbishI didn't realise how much I would miss it.

Prepare yourself for endless photos of coffee.