The one where my weekend vanished
Our youngest daughter is playing in the local football tournament at the weekend. The head coach sent out a plea for helpers yesterday (because as per normal, no parents have offered to help). My other half volunteered me.
Goodbye f*cking weekend.
I know damn well it will be the same people as usual that help with anything. It always is. It happened at the Rugby tournament this year too – I ended up marshalling all afternoon and didn't get to see my daughter play. It drives me nuts.
I was intentionally keeping quiet because I've had enough of always being one of the people that makes things happen for everybody else. There's a huge culture around here of “buying things” – if anything involves effort, people don't do it. I guess it happens in all affluent areas.
Apparently I'll be doing a few hours helping with “parking” each day – so I will most probably miss my daughter playing. The club has a tiny car park, so I imagine that really means “being sworn at and threatened by people in immaculate monster trucks (that have never been off-road) when I tell them they have to park a quarter of a mile away”.
Not happy.
Postscript – just discovered it is NEXT weekend. Still mad, but feeling like I won a temporary lottery.