The One Where the Name Changed
After dithering about it for several weeks, I finally changed the name of this blog last night. I've been thinking about doing it for some time – to create some separation from the professional me, and the personal me.
I suppose the biggest trigger behind the name change has been work – the company I work for is slowly aligning itself with LinkedIn (Microsoft own it, if you didn't know – and they are slowly integrating Office 365 with LinkedIn) – therefore most companies are going to end up playing the social marketing game at LinkedIn, which means our identities will be out there.
It didn't take a huge leap to go from the company I work for, to thoughts, ideas, dreams, and stories about idiotic adventures stretching back over the last sixteen years. By changing the name, I've made that jump much, much bigger. Along the way I discovered that it wasn't going to be straightforward at all – because every comment on every blog post carries your identity. An export, a clear-down, a few minutes running search-replaces in a text editor, and an import, and my name vanished from the annals of blog history. Well – my history – I can't remove traces elsewhere.
The old domain name still points at this blog too, which is frustrating. For the next 48 hours or so I imagine it will continue to do so, until the old domain name record is expunged through the usual propogation process.
My blog has a new name! I joked with a friend this morning that this means I can finally pull my ranty pants on and start complaining about everything. Of course I won't, because I'm generally not that furious with the world – but it does mean a few walls and filters might get removed.
p.s. does anybody else use Discord (the chat app) ?