The one where the universe gets it's own back on me
And so begins day two of my self imposed incarceration. The cough/cold type thing is not getting any better – it's worse if anything, which made the decision about (not) going to work very easy indeed. A new physical effect has manifested this morning – my right arm is numb. I commented to a co-worker a few days ago that I couldn't remember the last time I had been off sick – it's at least a couple of years ago – which makes me wonder if the universe was listening, and has decided to pull the rug from beneath me to remind me who's in charge.
Pins and needles in my right arm are making typing curiously difficult. I write a few words, and then my arm goes numb. I'm wondering if this is some kind of flu/muscle type thing going on with my forearms. I have no idea. I'm not going to self diagnose via Google because that way madness lies – I'll just put up with it and see if it gets better.
I can't help feeling like I'm falling through the gaps of “life in general” at the moment. I can't think of a better way to put it. Everybody else seems to be achieving things, doing things, working towards things. I'm just plodding along – as I have for the last ten or fifteen years. Maybe this feeling is heightened by being sick, and sitting here in an introspective morass of my own making. Maybe not.
Time to go put the kettle on, and see if some nurofen might sort this arm out.