The one where we found the Twiglets

In the UK there is this mysterious snack called “Twiglets”. The only way I can describe it is “Marmite sticks”but then of course hardly anybody outside of the UK knows what “Marmite” is (if you're really curious, it's this black gloopy stuff that comes in little jars, and that you might spread on toastit's officially titled “yeast extract”, and people either love it, or hate it with every fibre of their being).

Anywaymy other half LOVES Marmite, and LOVES Twigletsonly she can never find them in the supermarket. Just last weekend we did our grocery shop at the huge store out of town, and spent a good few minutes searching the heart-attack aisle for the Twigletsand couldn't find them. Low and behold, I walk into our local grocery store this evening, and there they arelined up in a Christmas display. We bought two of the biggest tubs they sellone for sharing, and one to put away for Christmas.

I don't know if I like Twiglets or not. The first one you eat is kind of a shock to the systemreminding you of sitting on your Dad's boat when you were 7 years old, eating finger rolls filled with cheese and marmite (which I have discovered as an adult is purely because they are lightning fast to make). The second and third twiglets are kind of like those first sips of beer when you are 12 years oldwhere the taste tells your brain “this is horrible”, but you persist because you want to look cool. Then the salt takes over. I'm guessing it's the salt. Suddenly you can't stop eating them, and you have marmite breath. Strong enough marmite breath that if you breathe on a sleeping cat they will wake with a start, and look at you with that “I'm going to poo in your shoes” look.

My other half arrived home after Brownies this evening, and was busy blustering around the kitchen when I said “I've got something for you”. To begin with she wasn't really listeningbut when I turned around with two tubs of Twiglets, she was reduced to a small child on Christmas morningclapping her hands, and saying the excitable things that six year olds say when they're invited to a birthday party. With Twiglets.