The Remains of the Day

I'm sitting in the study at home, listening to a compilation of soundtrack music from an old TV series called “One Tree Hill”. I've never actually seen an episode of it, but discovered the music through Last.

FM a couple of years agothis girl called Bethany Joy Lenz. “Leaving Town Alive” could have been written about my life sometimes.

To be honest, I've been in a bit of a blogging funk recently. For months really. I've kicked accounts round at WordPress and Tumblr like tin cans along a street. I've picked them up, polished them, made them presentable, then kicked them into the gutter again.

I started drawing an online comic strip recently, and within days ran out of ideas for that too. I would post it here, but then I build a bridge between here, and everywhere elseand I don't want that bridge to exist, so no cartoons here for the moment. Maybe once the name changes (tomorrow, if LiveJournal keep their promises).

I need to just empty my head. I always remember the typing scene in “Finding Forrester”, where the Sean Connery character extols the virtues of “just writing”. Thinking comes lateror not at all with bloggingAlongside all of this technology, I still write in a Moleskine notebook from time to time. I'm told my handwriting is nice, but it's immaterial really, isn't it. Writing is about emptying your headsorting your thoughts out. The act of recording forces you to think things through to a certain extent.

Maybe I need to stop thinking so much.